Did you know you can also skip a delivery week? Here’s how:
- Log in to your account.
- Click on My 'Menu'.
- Select the delivery day of the week you’d like to skip.
- Click on ‘Edit Delivery’ that appears on top of the menu.
- Select ‘Skip this week’ from the banner that appears.
But if you’d prefer to cancel...
- Log in to your account on the web
Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner, then click 'Account Settings'
Scroll down on the Plan settings page and click 'Cancel Plan' from the Status section.
- Follow the prompt(s) for your cancellation. You will be prompted with a message confirming that your account has been cancelled.
Just be sure to pause/cancel by 11:59 pm PST 5 days prior to your next scheduled delivery so we can alert our suppliers.
Please note that we unfortunately cannot process cancellations requested after the cut-off date. You will be responsible for all charges incurred for already processed orders.
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